日時:2025年3月8 日(土)9 日(日)
会場:柏市中央公民館4階(1.2.3.集会室) 住所:千葉県柏市柏5-8-12(JR 柏駅より徒 歩10分) アクセス
競技方式:スタンダード公式戦 スイス式4回戦30分+30秒(一手毎加算)
参加費:6,000 円(大学生以下 4,000 円、高校生以下 3,000 円)(会場にて支払い)
参加申込:千葉チェスクラブ(小笠)Email : chibachessclub@gmail.com (氏名・会員 ID・
参加費・在住都道府県名 )(上限:42名)
表彰:賞金:1位 10,000円 2位 6,000 円 3 位 3,000 円
敢闘賞 6,000円 殊 勲賞 3,000円 (下位グループAとし優秀者を評する。
3月8日(土)17:25 受付 17:40 開会式 17:50 R1
3月9日 (日) 09:20 R2 12:10 R3 14:10 R4
表彰式は準備ができ次第開始する。 予定時刻は16:20頃
スケジュール組合せの決定は 3 月 7 日(金)20:00の千葉チェスクラブのホームページ( http://chiba-chess-club.com)およびchess-results.comを参照にしてください。
(1) Buchholz Cut-1(最低得点の対戦相手を除く全ての対戦相手のポイント合計)
(2) Buchholz (全対戦相手のポイント合計)
(3) Sonneborn-Berger (勝った相手のポイントとドローだった相手の半分のポイントの合計)
(4) くじ
事前Bye:Bye(不戦)の申告は大会前日18:00まで受け付ける.chibachessclub@gmail.com にメール連絡のこと。事前申告Byeは0.5ポイント、期限以降の申告Byeは0ポイントとするが、最終1ラウンドの申告Byeは全て0ポイントとする。申告Byeが2ラウンド以上あるプレーヤーは入賞および全日本選手権シード権選考の対象から外す。
本大会の結果は報告のためインターネット上(chess-results.com)に公開される。 また、棋譜についてもインターネット上に公開される可能性がある。 参加者は氏名、結果及び棋譜の公開に同意しているものとする。
大会役員 小笠誠一 主審 林 隆徳 副審 永井 斗志之
Chiba Chess Championship 2025
Date (Dates): Saturday, March8 – Sunday, March 9
Venue: : Kashiwa Central Communuty Center 4F ( 10minits JR’kashiwa station)
Format: 30min+30sec/move, 4 Rounds, Swiss, JCF rated
Entry criteria: Japan Chess Federation members
Entry fee:6,000yen. 4000yen(below university),3,000yen(Below high school)
(pay by the venue)
Registration: E mail:chibachessclub@gmail.com (full name .JCF ID. Entry fee .Prefecture
of residence)
application period (Only –42spots)
Entries are accepted: , By 18:00 Thursday, March7
Playing schedule
Saturday, March 8
17:25 check-in 17:40 Opening ceremony 17:50 Round 1
March 9
9:20 Rund 2 12:10 Round 3 14:10 Round 4
The award ceremony will start as soon as preparations are complete, scheduled to start around 16:20
Open 1st place: 10,000yen, 2nd place: 6,000yen, 3rd place:3,000yen. Plaques will also be awarded.
Group A 1st place(kantou-award):6,000yen. 2nd place(shukun-awrd):3,000yen
Tie-breaks will be used to determine the ranking,but in the event of the same points
the prize money will be shared..
A winner of the open group is excluded from his/her group.
This is a qualifying tournament for Japan Chess Championship which held between May 2nd and May 6th 2025 in Tokyo. player per 8 participants will be selected from the top.
From the above selections, one top candidate may be selected as the local (Chiba Prefecture) candidate. (Limted to cases where there are no people from Chiba Prefecture amang those who have acquired seed rights.)
Even if there are people who decline ,there will be no carryover.
(Prize and groups may change depending on the number of participants)
Tournament rules
Tie break:
(1) Buchholz Cut-1 (total points for all opponents except the lowest scored opponent)
(2) Buchholz (Total points for all opponents)
(3) Sonneborn-Berger (Total of the points of the opponent who won and half of the opponent who drew)
(4) Lottery
Default time: Players who are late for more than 10 minutes after the start of the match will be defeated. There is no change in ratings.
Pre-Bye: Bye (No Playing) declarations will be accepted until 18:00 the day before the tournament.Please contact us by email at chibachessclub@gmail.com. Pre-return Bye will be 0.5 points, and filing Bye after the deadline will be 0 points, but all filing Bye will be 0 points for the final round. Players with two or more rounds of declared Bye will be excluded from the selection for the All Japan Championship seed selection.
Forced Bye (bye on combination) is 1 point.
The first round pairing will be held at 8:00pm the day before the tournament.
Clocks, chess sets, and game sheets must be prepared by the organizer.
Please fill in the game record until the end. After the match, both players sign each other’s game sheets and report the results to the arbiter. Be sure to check the results before signing.
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches must be completely turned off during games and placed in bags. They must not be worn during games, and are not allowed to be put in your bag and taken outside the venue. This rule applies regardless of whether the electronics are powered on or not, and players who violate the game are immediately defeated, not by any chance. In addition, visitors and players who have finished the game will be prohibited from using any communications equipment, such as smartphones, within the venue.
The criteria for determining the starting ranking will be in order of national ratings, titles, and name ABC. Anything other than the above will be determined in accordance with the FIDE rules. For example, the Illegal Move is a violation, and the second time you lose. Mispressing the clock and using both hands are also violations.
Media related
The results of this tournament will be published online (chess-results.com) for reporting purposes. In addition, there is a possibility that the game records will also be published on the Internet. Participants agree to the publication of their names, results and game records.
Visitors will be allowed to take photos of the camera for only 10 minutes from the start of the match. Filming after that will be prohibited. However, this is not permitted unless you have received special permission.
When using individuals’ photos and videos of participants (during games, awards ceremonies, etc.), be careful to protect privacy. In addition to obtaining comprehensive understanding in advance, we must also take sufficient consideration to protect personal information and portrait rights, such as obtaining permission from a minor, for example, in the case of minors.
The organizers may take photos, film videos, and broadcast live broadcasts of the event. These may be published and used on media such as websites, social media, video sites, and magazines managed by CCC (Chiba Chess Club). Participants agree to the release of these photos and videos and live broadcasts.
Organizers may change the above rules for appropriate reasons before the start of a round. Due to unpredictable reasons, the time spent may be changed or the tournament may be cancelled.
If you wish to cancel your participation in the tournament, please contact chibachessclub@gmail.com by email.
CCC (Chiba Chess Club) is not responsible for any problems that occur between individuals.
Chiba Chess Club
Tournament officials:Seiichi Ogasa Chief arbiter:Takanori Hayashi Sub-arbiter:Toshiyuki Nagai